Saturday, 24 November 2012

Den building with dad

Found a great secret part of the river today, and decided to start building a den. This is the start of it.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Sunrise and Horlics

I had a  nice time at henhole today. We got up early to watch the sun come up. And we had a cup of cocoa. We didn't get to go in refuge hut because there was people sleeping for a night. It was really frosty.

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


I went to Morocco for my holidays this year with my family. It was the first time I had been on an airplane and also the first time I had been to Africa. We went trekking in the Atlas Mountains on mules and riding on Camels to. Lots of swimming in lovely Kasbahs and hotels. There were lots of people in Marrakesh and Dad got lost and told off from a policeman.
Here are my photos.

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Hedgehope sleepover

Today I told my Dad what I wanted to do more than anything was to sleep on a mountain. And as Hedgehope was the local hill I wanted to climb the most I told my dad this was the one it had to be.
Hedgehope is 714 metres but has a very exposed summit, which was fine when we first got there, but my night fall the wind increased at such a rate that it was only the weight of the two of us that kept it down firmly on the ground.
We were both awake at 5 am so we decided to take tent down and pack up and view the sunrise on the way down the mountain. It was great to see 360 degrees all around with light s from Newcastle to Edinburgh.
Go home for 7am and Climbed into bed with mummy for a cuddle and a warm up.